More than 200,000 people will benefit from a peri-urban and rural water supply project


General News of Monday, April 1, 2019



Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, Minister of Information play the videoKojo Oppong-Nkrumah

The Cabinet approved the implementation of a peri-urban and rural water supply project in 450 sites in the Volta, East, Greater Accra and Ashanti regions.

The water supply project would benefit 225,000 people in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) – Provide safe drinking water and sanitation facilities to all.

The project would provide clean and reliable drinking water to residents in these areas using advanced technologies and would be run over an 18-month period.

It would also maximize social and health benefits, improve school attendance and reduce waterborne illness in the population.

This would involve a cashless payment system and integrated data collection in its implementation to ensure that revenues are easily captured, managed and secured prior to any water distribution.

The Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, announced Sunday at a press conference in Accra that the government is engaging in the project as part of measures to take over communities rural unserviced and difficult to access, and to improve the strategy to improve the provision of water, sanitation and sanitation facilities for the population.

The minister explained that the company's transformation concept was to use innovative technology and financing methods to generate revenue for maintenance and future expansion of the project.

The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources and the Community Water and Sanitation Agency, in collaboration with Aqua Africa Limited, a British private sector entity, have collaborated closely a market-based approach to providing safe and sustainable drinking water to peri-urban and rural communities in Ghana, he said.

The minister said the implementation of the project would improve access to reliable drinking water throughout the year, and that 225,000 people are expected to emerge from poverty.

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