More than 3000 early pregnancies recorded at Wa West


Regional News from Sunday, July 7, 2019



Teenage pregnancy 33 Photo file

The National Youth Authority (NYA), in partnership with Plan International Ghana, called for concerted efforts to support the fight against teenage pregnancy and early marriage in communities around Wa West District.

These victims often leave school to trade, while those who challenge the outdated cultural practice of early marriage face neglect from the community or their parents.

Reports from district health officials indicate that between 2012 and 2018, the region recorded an astonishing 3 209 cases of teenage pregnancy, and many other undocumented or unreported cases do not occur. have not yet been accounted for.

A total of 1,753 cases of teenage pregnancy were recorded in six health sub-districts between 2013 and 2016, the highest being 493 cases.

Speaking at a youth outreach meeting in Wechiau, Clifford Veng, director of Ghana's Health Services District, attributed the increase to outdated sociocultural practices.

He added that early and forced marriages, child engagement and kidnapping of girls are still the norm in the region and that school-aged girls are compensated in the pay of the betrothed despite the efforts of child rights advocates to put an end to this practice.

Others have also blamed the situation on the infiltration and the projection of badgraphic films in local communities, as well as the absence of municipal bylaws to enforce discipline.

The report from the West West District Health Unit indicates that the situation is very high in many communities in the district, which has prompted NYA and Plan International to participate in the project "Youth Involve and Lead a Project" to mobilize support to end the practice.

Mr. Archibald Donkoh, Acting NYA Acting Regional Director for the Northwest, worries about the situation, the youth, who represent about 35% of the Ghanaian population, have been victims of the act committed by the elderly.

He advised young people to avoid any activity that tends to affect their future plans, adding, "We think you are part of the solution to the challenges you face".

Mr. Flex Bagyiliko Wuurah, West West District Director at NYA, said that cultural practices have significant effects on the health, education and socio-economic well-being of the victims.

At the youth-led outreach meeting on "The Teenage Pregnancy Prevalence Rate in Wa West District, Its Implications for Health and Education and the Way Forward", Mr. Wuurah said the district's youth had identified social chancre and galvanizing forces to tackle the concern head-on.

He called for concerted efforts and intersectoral collaboration and coordination in tackling the obstacle that truncates education and the impoverished.

Wuurah urged parents to meet the needs of their girls and the public to support their efforts.

Ms. Hawa Daari, Girl Education Officer for Wa West District, said her training would continue efforts to improve girls' education and enable every child to reach their full potential.

She urged local authorities, including traditional leaders, to adopt and enforce regulations to reduce the number of early and early marriages and to prepare for the future of girls.

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