More than 70 Archbishop Porter Girls students hospitalized after meals


Students were taken to Holy Child Health Center after meals

Students were taken to Holy Child Health Center after meals

More than 70 students from Archbishop Porter's High School Girls (SHS) in the metropolis of Sekondi / Takoradi woke up yesterday at dawn to go to Holy Child Hospital in Fijai Junction after eating a vegetable salad sold at the school's food store.

The incident paralyzed academic work at the school, with the authorities' attention being focused on transporting affected students to the hospital so that they would be treated for what appeared to be a food poisoning.

Vegetable salad

The students allegedly ate the vegetable salad late Thursday night, but started vomiting and complained of dizziness, pain and frequent visits to the toilet at dawn yesterday.

The hospital's medical team said the affected students were suffering from possible food poisoning.

At the hospital, Dr. Sylvester Fameye, medical director, described the incident as an "alleged case of food poisoning" and that the influx of students had overwhelmed the company. 39; hospital.

He added that a team from the hospital had been mobilized to visit the school and welcome more students to the infirmary.

Left over

Dr. Fameye said, from what he had gathered from the students, that the school vendor, who was preparing food with vegetable salad, sold them food last Wednesday.

However, the students claimed that the vendor kept the rest of the packaged food, along with the vegetables, in the refrigerator and sold them to them the next day (last Thursday).

"Therefore, those who bought this food that was kept in the refrigerator and eaten had what appeared to be diarrhea apparently as a result of food poisoning. We have about 60 students here, "he said.

Ms. Fameye, School Principal, Ms. Charlotte Asiedu Musa, explained that the food students ate did not come from the school kitchen, which explained why a limited number of students were badigned.

At the hospital

"Some of them, I must say, arrived at the hospital with a severe presentation after frequent visits to the toilet and vomiting, while others have already become weak after countless toilet visits.

"Some said they went to the washroom 7 to 10 times, while others said they lost the count," said Dr. Fameye.

He badured parents that the hospital was able to handle all cases and that the situation was under control.

Dr. Fameye said that once students stabilized and treated, they would be forced to return to school to continue their academic work.

Ms. Musa confirmed the incident, but added that the situation was under control.

The medical team, she said, was able to remedy the situation so that many students were able to return to clbad.

She added that the team had taken samples of vegetables to examine in the laboratory and that the school was waiting for the report.

History of Food Poisoning at Porters

In February 2010, about 200 students from the school were transported to the hospital as a result of an alleged case of food poisoning.

This incident, which also occurred at night, has brought doctors from the regional hospital to work all night to help more than 200 students suffering from complications due to alleged food poisoning.

Subsequently, the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) took samples of student food and other food items from the school store for laboratory badysis.

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