More than 9,000 nurses appointed as NSS members for 2019-2020


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The National Services Secretariat (NSS) has announced the dispatch of more than 9,000 newly trained nurses to health facilities across the country.

Nurses are expected to perform their obligatory service for the 2019/2020 service year; from April 8, 2019.

In a statement, the NSS urged "all registered nurses to accept their internships and consider them as part of their contribution to building a prosperous Ghana".

Mustapha Ussif
The declaration was signed by the executive director, Mustapha Ussif

"All eligible nurses registered with the National Service are invited to log on to the NSS website. check their locations, then visit the various NSS registration centers to complete their registration process, "the statement added.

The NSS in his statement also published the procedure to be followed by potential staff join the program.

Nurses protest against unemployment

Newly trained nurses may be temporary sources of engagement with newly trained nurses, but their predecessors are continually engaged in a media war with the government against unemployment.

An ultimatum of 10 days per a group of private nurses to the government for proof of their treatment of employment expired on Friday.

Bonded nurses

Nurses who idled at home for more than four years promised a mega demonstration, similar to the infamous kumiprɛko organized in 1995 to protest the value added tax.

The demonstration resulted in serious injury and death to other people.

In addition to these nurses, dozens of other organized groups of unemployed nurses staged protest marches in the capital, Accra.

In September 2018, unemployed nurses simultaneously organized demonstrations in six regional capitals to highlight their anger.

However, the government badured nurses that it was working hard to ensure that they were all employed.

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