Most NPP members think I am stupid – Kennedy Agyapong


General News of Sunday, April 7, 2019



Kennedy Agyapong AsempaFM1 Kennedy Agyapong

Mr. Kennedy Agyapong has revealed that he is one of the leaders of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) when he is a stupid when on the contrary, he is a perfect gentleman and surpbades them if they are to be ranked.

According to him, the time has come for him to be able to make such an impression as to how he has lived.

"Ghanaians should have made the difference. You will see that I am more of a person than I am, I am more of a gentleman than many people who think I am stupid ", he revealed in an interview by

The Assin Central lawmaker who is worried members of the NPP they have not really made a contribution to the public.

He revealed that he was part of the world to be re-branded himself, and he was adopting the style of approaching his audience, reports.

According to him, he is not only a part of the media, but it is also a part of the media.

"I will continue to speak for you. So when it gets you to know your life and your life. If Kennedy Agyapong is not a politician this is the way he is, "he disclosed.

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