MP condemns PDS to the bloody violence of Odumase who killed a boy


General News on Thursday, May 23, 2019



Ebenezer Terlabi1 Ebenezer Terlabi, Deputy of Lower Manya Krobo

The MP for Lower Manya in the Eastern Region blamed the electricity distribution company (PDS) for the latest clash between the Krobo-Odumase youths and the power utility.

Ebenezer Terlabi said that the PDS had ignored his call not to disconnect the people's diet until resolution of the demand for over billing, which had been the underlying problem of the misunderstanding.

According to him, officials of the electricity company also rejected his suggestion not to involve the police in carrying out the disconnection operation.

The reason, according to the MP, is that people have already had a bad experience with the police, which brutalized them when they clashed at a protest two weeks ago on the same issues.

Wednesday's clashes left a 14-year-old boy dead and two others in critical condition. At least 35 people were reportedly arrested by the police.

The violent clashes ensued when residents blocked the city's main road to prevent PDS agents, escorted by police officers, from turning off the main transformer that supplied the city.

The disconnection exercise was caused by unpaid electricity bills since 2014.

Residents claimed to have been overcharged by the PDS and wanted the company to reconcile the numbers.

But, speaking on JoyNews TV, the people's representative in the legislature, Mr Terlabi said the latest development could have been avoided.

"We had a meeting between us and PDS tomorrow. Thus, yesterday and today, the PDS was not supposed to go to the Lower Manya to make a disconnection or collection of bills, he told Anchor, News News, Bernice Abu Baidoo -Lansa.

He added that after the first clash with the police who had injured some of the protesters, one would have expected the PDS to perform his exercises in the Odumase region in accordance with the agreed conditions. , in order to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the region.

"And these people are still healing their wounds, so if PDS decides to disconnect and you come back with the police [then] this raises a lot of concern, "added the legislator concerned.

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