MPs review draft cybersecurity documents


General News on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019



Ursula Ekuful Ken Ursula Owusu- Ekuful speaking to the participants while the committee members were watching

The Special Parliamentary Committee on Communication and Officials of the Ministry of Communications converged during a three-day retreat that reviewed draft policies and legislative documents to regulate and to guide the country's cybercrime activities.

Documents developed by the National Cybersecurity Center, an agency of the Ministry of Communication, included the Cyber ​​Security Bill, the Interception Bill and the revised National Policy and Strategy. in cybersecurity.

The bills should, among other things, address the current problems of law enforcement and security agencies, regulate the cybersecurity sector, establish a cyber security authority, deal with issues online children, protect critical information structures and provide a mechanism for international cooperation.

On the other hand, draft guidance documents should address current trends in cybersecurity and cybercrime and reflect the status of the country as the third on the African continent to ratify the Budapest Convention on Human Rights. Cybercrime and the Malabo Convention on Cybersecurity and Protection of Personal Data.

Members of the Legislative Drafting Division of the Office of the Attorney General also attended the meeting. They joined other participants in a cybersecurity capacity building program.

Communications Minister Ursula Owusu-Ekuful told participants that the activities of more than 10 million Ghanaians connected to the Internet expose the country's IT systems to various vulnerabilities and threats.

She mentioned these vulnerabilities to include the use of public e-mails by government officials, consulting unknown e-mails posing scam and phishing threats, sharing confidential information on social media that could lead to cloning and scams and connecting to an unprotected public Wi-Fi network.

She attributed the persistent difficulties to the lack of awareness of citizens, which can be solved by mbad awareness.

"Inculcating the essential practices of cyber-hygiene among citizens will solve certain habits that lead to cyber-attacks," she said.

Ms. Owusu-Ekuful also called for a sustainable budget to fund cybersecurity activities, greater collaboration between state and non-state actors, and a comprehensive cyber security law that addresses the current complexities of cybercrime and cybercrime. cybersecurity.

"This explains why the Ministry of Communications, in collaboration with members of the National Interdepartmental Cybersecurity Advisory Council (NCSIAC) and other stakeholders, is introducing a Cyber ​​Security Bill," she said. .

A Ministry-sponsored cybersecurity maturity badessment undertaken by the Oxford University Center for Cybersecurity Capacity showed that cybersecurity in Ghana was in its infancy, highlighting the need to build on current achievements.

Ken Agyapong, chairman of Parliament's restricted communications commission, said Ghana is not safe on cybersecurity.

"Whether we like it or not, cyber-insecurity has become a thorn in our flesh and it is important that we settle it once and for all," he said.

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