Mueller report: Leading Democrats say Barr's summary "raises as many questions as he answers" – live | American News


Just like last year's elections, the Mueller report has greatly favored the Democrats. Winning both the Senate and the House would have set up a titanic clash between Congress and the White House, the kind of clash that white houses often won in time to be reelected.

Similarly, a clear and damning report from Mueller would have triggered a titanic clash over impeachment: a process that would fail in this Republican-controlled Senate, regardless of the evidence presented.

Many Democrats will be disappointed that Mueller has not shouted "Guilty!" And this indictment remains unresolved. However, party leaders and election veterans know that short-term disappointment offers a long-term benefit.

This means one more year of revelations from Congress and one more year of charges. This means that the 2020 elections may be looking to the future with respect to Trump's ability to hold a position rather than the past compared to the last election.

This means more consideration for corruption and less discussion of collusion.

Voters, as well as lawyers, may have trouble defining collusion and provoking plots beyond a reasonable doubt. Even when a presidential candidate goes on national television to ask the Russians to hack emails from his opponent.

But what voters easily understand is the stench of corruption around a man who promised to drain the swamp. Populism tends to lose popularity when populists are more concerned with personal gain than public service.

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