Municipal Guard of Swedru, video of detention of 3 other people in assault


Municipal Guard of Swedru, video of detention of 3 other people in badault

Municipal Guard of Swedru, video of detention of 3 other people in badault

Two guards from the Agona West Municipal Assembly and their accomplices, allegedly badaulting a 17-year-old boy in the area, were remanded in custody by the Swedru District Court.

The municipal guards charged are Peter Danso and Isaac Ntsiful, while their two accomplices are Sampson Aikins, a baker and Francis Yorke, a student.

They were referred to the court presided over by Mr. Isaac Appietu, following a plea of ​​the prosecution that the suspects would impede investigations if they were released on bail.

They were temporarily charged with conspiracy for badault and badault.

A video on viral aggression last Wednesday shows a traumatized 17-year-old boy on his lap while Peter Danso comes from behind him to hit his head with karate-style boots.

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The behavior of the suspect provoked negative public reactions and, because of the interest in the case, people invaded the court premises yesterday to see the suspects, while others filled the empty spaces of the courthouse. court to hear the progress of the case.

Referral case

In pleading for the provisional detention of the accused, the prosecutor, Inspector Chare N. Salia, argued that the police were still investigating the incident in order to bring other suspects accounting.

"Given the public interest in this matter, it will be in the interests of justice to ensure that the accused is removed in order to allow the police to conduct investigations without interference," he added. .

In his response, the accused's lawyer, Mr. Frederick Selby, disagreed with the prosecutor and urged the court to admit his clients to bail.

According to the lawyer, the fact that his clients were accused showed that the police were ready to prosecute and, therefore, refuted the allegations of the prosecution that the accused would interfere with the investigations. .

The magistrate president accepted the arguments of the prosecution, but ordered him to hasten the investigations to ensure a speedy trial.
The hearing is continuing on April 11, 2019.


The victim was badaulted for stealing phone cards worth 95 GH ¢ from Agona Swedru last Wednesday.

The Municipal Assembly asked the two municipal guards involved in the case to control traffic at the Protoa station junction where the incident occurred.

They were arrested last Friday by the police command of the district of Swedru after a complaint was filed at the police station.

Police statement

Earlier, the police, in a statement signed by ASP Simon Teku of the Public Affairs Directorate, had refuted allegations that Danso was a police officer.

He added that the divisional police command of Swedru had opened a thorough investigation into the incident.

According to the statement, a preliminary investigation revealed that it was around 15 hours. On Thursday, March 21, 2019 in Agona Swedru, the victim was arrested and badaulted by the guards and civilians for an alleged offense.

"However, when a police officer stationed nearby drew attention to the scene of the badault, the officer went to the rescue of the victim and then filed a report to the police station of Agona Swedru. "

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