Murder of Ejura: we must exhume the bodies to find out the truth – Kweku Baako


New Crusading Guide editor-in-chief Abdul Malik Kweku Baako says protesters in Ejura were armed with weapons and that the shooting at the military and police sent there to restore order is false.

“That can’t be true. Look, we’ve seen different kinds of videos. They were armed, maybe with machetes, knives, sticks, but no one can convince me that they were armed with guns that shoot. the military and the police, so I can’t be convinced, ”he said.

According to him, neither the military nor the police have been able to establish any evidence to support the allegations they are peddling before Judge Koomson’s Committee.

He said if the claims were as true as the security agencies pushed him, they would have done due diligence at the crime scene to build their defense.

“If that were true, I can bet you that before going to the Committee, they would have done this crime scene management and in the process would have located shells that would have been an integral part of their defense. Unfortunately, they don’t have it; they didn’t send it because it didn’t exist, ”he said.

Speaking on the JoyNews Newsfile on Saturday, July 10, Kweku Baako explained that trafficking such false allegations before Judge Koomson’s Committee deprives him of his integrity and that of the state institution peddling the lie.

He also called for the exhumation of the bodies of the victims of the Ejura shooting.

It comes after Ejura government hospital medical director Dr Mensah Manye was revealed to have failed to autopsy victims of the Ejura shooting due to threats of violence. and arson from angry young Ejura demanding the corpses of their companions for burial.

He told Judge Koomson’s committee that angry protesters stormed the hospital on June 30, threatening to burn the facility down, so he had no choice but to release the bodies to protect his life and that of his staff.

However, Kweku Baako believes that the bodies of the victims of the Ejura shooting contain the most important evidence needed to establish who actually killed them – the military or the armed protesters?

He said, “We may have to go and dig them up. So we can’t find the bullets that killed them? It is a critical requirement that the bullet that killed them be available because then we will be able to tell which shot that bullet was shot.

“If we’re not going to get the bullets that killed them because of some emergency situation, and so we buried the bullets with the human bodies, my God, what do we do?” It is therefore a futile exercise.

He said failing to exhume the bodies to retrieve and identify the bullets is literally burying the truth.

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