MY HISTORY: A reaction to the drug left me for dead


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Ten years ago, Linda Awuor, now in her forties, was struck by a strange illness that confused doctors and left her thinking that she was bewitched. .

Those who visited her at the hospital broke down because they were certain that she was about to die … until a foreign doctor discovered her illness, as a result of self-medication.

She shares her story with Soni Kanake.

"I'm calling Linda Awuor, first-born in a family of five siblings and mother of a 16-year-old boy.I am an administrator in a local NGO.I have lived almost all my life. life in Mombasa.

I attended St. Augustine Preparatory School for my elementary studies, and then I joined the Mama Ngina Girls High School, where I spent my O-Levels. I pursued my graduate studies at the Mombasa Polytechnic and also took a course at the African Institute of Research.

"My life took an unexpected turn a day when I had a mild infection.

I had the impression of getting an upper respiratory tract infection and, since I had Septrin tablets at home, I decided to take two of them tonight- the.

The next morning, I woke up sick and realized that I had small sores in my mouth and that I was feeling a lot of pain in my eyes.

I also had a fever and I had cold, which led doctors to suspect malaria. So I was given medicine against malaria, a mouthwash and eye drops.

"My body was not responding to treatment and I was getting worse and worse. I had developed sores in my private parts and my urine was a nightmare.

The next day, the wounds were all over my body and I had to go back to the hospital.

The doctor took a look at me and advised me to have an HIV test, which became negative.

They concluded that I was suffering from measles because there was an epidemic in the area. I was given medication to relieve the pain and sent home.

As it became more and more difficult to take care of me, I chose to go to our family. My cousin brought my son there.

That night, I remember having trouble breathing and had the impression of choking. At that time, the small blisters all over my body had fused to form large, ugly bulbs, which seemed to have been burned by the hot water.

"I was taken back to the hospital and admitted even though the doctors were still unaware of what was hurting me.

The only thing they gave me was painkillers and water to combat dehydration.

My son's father was coordinating the process while he was working at the hospital. He organized the coming of a veteran doctor of Asian descent. By the time she saw me, she recognized my situation as a reaction to the drug.

"She administered the right medicine and the blisters started to appear in less than two hours. She also explained that the choking I had had was caused by a blister in her throat.

I was diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (drug reaction), which affects the body's mucous membranes, such as the eyes, nose, digestive tract or mouth.

The doctor explained that the same wounds that I had on the outside were also in my interior and that they also had to be treated.

"However, deep inside me, I could not help but wonder who had bewitched me while I was struggling to recover.

I remember that before the arrival of the chief doctor, everyone who saw me thought that I would die. I was sad to see and I was feeding via infusion tubes.

After I started recovering, the doctors had to start weaning me like a little baby, starting with milk, avocado and papaya mixed with milk, light porridge, before going to the hospital. mashed potatoes and sweet ugali.

After about three weeks, I was ready to go home, but I was referred to a specialist for follow-up.

"The reaction to the drug has caused wounds to the eyes, healed during the healing process, blocking my tear glands. As a result, I can not shed tears. I use artificial tears – eye drops that I have to constantly use to make sure my eye membranes are moistened. Eye drops also help clean my eyes, which can no longer do it themselves.

"When I have to cry, as I do not have tears, I end up sniffing and maybe my nose is running. It is also necessary to constantly consult an ophthalmologist because I am more susceptible to infections. I rarely open my left eye because it is still very painful. I also use a pair of glbades to protect my eyes. My eyelashes have also fallen and so I have to be careful not to contract infections. In addition, one of my ears has been touched and I can not hear well. I have to see a specialist from time to time.

"My advice to people is to stop caring for yourself. It's a very risky business that could go wrong.

Medications may be contaminated or you may be allergic to them. I experienced this nightmare because I was allergic to sulfur and had no idea about it.

"Despite the fact that I can not do certain things, for example, working in a place where there is an air conditioner or opening the window in a moving vehicle because it affects my ears and causes me infections, I'm in a happy place.

When I look at where God brought me 10 years ago, I am grateful. Most people have criticized me but God has brought me back from the pit of despair.

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