My prediction Tesl Q1 was FUBAR



Published on April 4, 2019 |
by Maarten Vinkhuyzen

April 4, 2019 by Maarten Vinkhuyzen

I have to eat raven. This is the civilized way of saying it. What I wrote was completely disconnected. It was logical, credible and false. After submitting, I thought that I should have included this famous phrase on complex problems involving simple and totally wrong answers – a point that I have proved. Another way of saying it was FUBAR.

Like many other people, I was fooled by my desire for Tesla progress and my confidence in the Bloomberg Tracker. There was a lingering feeling that it was too optimistic, but no wait whatsoever so far.

According to rumors of Gigafactory 1 (GF1), the production of battery packs would regularly reach more than 6,000 units. These are either stored or these reports were too optimistic.

What happens with the production of Model 3 deserves a long explanation from Musk during the teleconference. These production figures are too low to be maintained and produce the Standard Range version with an acceptable margin.

The only good thing about this report is the low number of S & X models produced. This sounds odd, but it is better to adjust production to sales as soon as possible instead of producing a large number of cars in stock.

And I feel that without the intervention of the SEC, we would know more. But that is for later today.

Keywords: Tesla, Tesla Deliveries China, Tesla Deliveries, Tesla Deliveries Model 3, Tesla Deliveries Model 3, Tesla Sales Model 3, Tesla Model S, Tesla Deliveries Model S, Tesla Sales Model S, Tesla Model X, Tesla Deliveries Model X, Tesla Sales Model X, Tesla Production, Tesla Q1 2019, Tesla Sales

About the author

Maarten Vinkhuyzen Old grumpy man. The best thing that I have done in my life has been raising two children. Only finished primary education, but when you do not go to school, you have plenty of time to read. I went from accounting to software development and my career as a system integrator and architect ended. My 2007 boss bought two Lotus Elise electric cars to show decision makers the future direction of energy and transportation. And since then I have been trying to replace my diesel cars with electric vehicles.

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