"My reinstatement only makes sense when all the dismissed lecturers have been fired" – Duku


General News on Thursday, April 4, 2019

Source: clbadfmonline.com


Frimpong Duku.png Dr. Frimpong Kaakyire Duku

Dr. Frimpong Kaakyire Duku, one of three lecturers from the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) recently dismissed and reinstated in their duties, accused the Board of Management of this institution of " selective justice ".

According to Dr. Duku, all the fired lecturers must be reinstated instead of the three who were expelled by Vice Chancellor Reverend Anthony Afful-Broni.

At least 30 university staff, including 23 instructors, have lost their jobs in the last year.

In the most recent dismissals, the V-C cited misconduct and insubordination for dismissing Professor Ephraim Avea Nsoh, Dr. Emmanuel Osei Sarpong and Dr. Duku, all of whom denied any reprehensible behavior.

Their dismissal caused an uproar on campus and the student body and alumni took part in a series of protests, one of which became violent, resulting in the temporary closure of the school.

In a statement issued Tuesday, April 3, 2019, the Higher Council of the University described the situation at the university as "very worrying".

She added that the university's situation was generating negative reports in the media, which bodes badly for the development and branding of the institutions. She then pardoned the three speakers and announced their reinstatement.

The council also announced the reopening of the school on Monday, April 8, 2019.

Reacting to his reinstatement in an interview given to Benjamin Akakpo at the Executive Breakfast Show on Clbadroom 4 on Thursday, April 4, 2019, Mr. Duku, who is also chairman of the Chapter of UEW of the Association of University Teachers of Ghana (UTAG), stated that he was unhappy that his other colleagues dismissed by the VC have not been reinstated.

Dr. Duku said, "I would be the happiest man if all those who were fired were reinstated. In the current state of affairs, there seems to be a selective justice where, in their opinion, the leaders of the badociation and those who had the word should be reinstated, while those who remained silent during all that was victims of these illegal dismissals are at home. I am not sure to be the happiest person. "

Asked that the recovery of all dismissed university staff would make him happy, Dr. Duku replied, "This should be ideal. [situation] because if you examine the reasons for the dismissal of these employees, we think that they could also have been pardoned. As a leader, I am not sure of being happy to be reinstated while my friends and colleagues are at home. So, I think the best way was to give this broader amnesty to everyone. "

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