Nadia Buari shows her husband's face and wishes her a Happy Father's Day


Animations from Monday, June 17, 2019



Nadia Buari Jealousyyy Nadia Buari

June 16, 2019 marks Father's Day, the world celebrates all fathers effortlessly and disinterestedly around the world.

Many people have accessed their social media pages to wish their biological fathers and the men they see as fathers in their lives.

The actress Nadia Buari, who has been hiding the face of her husband for years, has just published a photo of this man with a beautiful legend, wishing him a Happy Father's Day.

We know that Nadia is married to this man because she is wearing an alliance all the time, but she has hidden it from the public domain. We also know very well that, from the family where she comes from, her parents will not allow her to give birth to four children without the man marrying her.

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