NAM1 speaks after the victory in court


General News on Tuesday, April 9, 2019



Nana Appiah Mensah 11.jpeg Nana Appiah Mensah, CEO of Menzgold

He was struck by a series of criticisms, insults against him for allegedly exploiting a Ponzi scheme and escaping in order to escape a lawsuit.

The news of his arrest in Dubai spread like hell, bringing some relief to the injured depositors, as they were convinced that their locked-in funds would be paid.

Some were, however, skeptical of the contradictory information about his arrest until the Ghana police confirmed Nana Appiah Mensah (NAM1), general manager of the gold distribution company, Menzgold is actually in police custody. after a gold transaction that has been sentenced.

In the midst of new information that NAM1 won the lawsuit, its Instagram page has been updated with an offer of thanksgiving to its creator.

Citing Hebrews 13.8, he said, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."

NAM1 has been charged with fraud on the gold contract with a UAE company based in Dubai and worth $ 23 million. He was, however, acquitted and released on Tuesday.

According to a report from, the court that issued the judgment ordered the UAE company to pay him all outstanding debts.

Government delegation visits Dubai following NAM1 extradition

In January, a very powerful government delegation went to Dubai to request the extradition of the Menzgold leader.

The delegation included Deputy Attorney General Joseph Dindiok Kpemka, a representative of the Bureau of Organized Economic Crime (EOCO), the National Research Bureau (BNI) and National Security.

However, the delegation returned without him, having failed to negotiate his extradition.

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