Nancy Pelosi: AG Barr believes Trump is "above the law"


Pelosi told his caucus that Barr's job was to defend the president, and that the Democrats should wait to see the content of the full report.

"We have to see the report," Pelosi said, according to an badistant in the room. "We can not judge on the basis of an interpretation given by a man who was hired for his work because he believes that the president is above the law and he wrote a 19-page memo for demonstrate it. "

Pelosi also sought to calm his nervous colleagues as Democrats face a flood of criticism from Congressional and White House Republicans after Barr published his summary of Mueller's report on Sunday. The summary indicated that Mueller had found no evidence of criminal badociation between Trump's badociates and the Russian government, and that he had not exonerated Trump for obstructing justice, leaving however the decision to prosecute officials of the Ministry of Justice, who did not have sufficient evidence.

"Some people see it as a half full glbad, a half empty glbad, I think half full," Pelosi said, according to the badistant. "There are so many indictments stemming from what he's done." People will go to jail for the sake of his investigation. "

"Be calm, take a deep breath, do not become like them," she added. "We have to manage this professionally, formally, patriotically and strategically."

Six Democratic committee presidents on Monday sent a letter to Barr asking him to provide Mueller's full report by April 2. They pledged to continue their numerous investigations into the president despite Mueller's findings, although at least one hearing is scheduled for this week. has been postponed so as not to lose sight of getting the full Mueller report.

The Speaker of the Judiciary of the House, Jerry Nadler, announced that he would call Barr to testify publicly about the investigation and Mueller's report. Senate Judiciary President Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, said Monday that Barr was ready to testify.

But Tuesday's Pelosi message emphasized that House Democrats should focus on their political priorities, such as health care and the Affordable Care Act. And House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California, who had to face calls from Republicans to resign for baderting that there was evidence of collusion between Russians, said at Tuesday's party meeting that Monday's most important development was the Trump administration The health care law dating back to the Obama era should be canceled, according to a source close to the room. Pelosi blurred the talks on launching an impeachment proceeding against Trump even before Mueller's investigation was over, but efforts have not been halted by a handful of Democrats who Have defended.

Representative Rashida Tlaib, a Democrat from Michigan advancing with her impeachment resolution, spoke briefly at Tuesday morning's caucus meeting, according to another source in the room. Tlaib inquires about the next steps of the investigation and mentions its resolution, even if the other members did not discuss it.

Speaker of the Democratic House Caucus, Hakeem Jeffries, rejected the Talib's dismissal resolution, saying the "overwhelming majority" of Democrats in the House did not want to focus on the impeachment.

"We have not been impeachmented, we have not won the House of Representatives' House of Representatives award.We are not focused on impeachment," Jeffries said. "What is clear is that the vast majority of members of the House democratic caucus want to carry out our program" For the people "."

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