Nathan Graham, newcomer to Coronation Street, unveils the first details of gay footballer James Bailey


Coronation Street Newcomer Nathan Graham gave some details about his character, James Bailey.

It has recently been revealed that the soap opera ITV was going to tackle the problem of homophobia in football with the arrival of James. What can the fans of this future athlete expect?

Coronation Street, Bailey family

Joseph ScanlonITV

"James is the youngest member of the family," said Nathan Digital Spy and other media. "He is part of the Youth Football Team of Weatherfield County. He is very determined and determined to realize his dreams. He wants to become a better footballer and maybe move to a better team – who knows?

"James is the apple of his father's eyes, his father almost lives his life through James, his father wanted to do things, but James is the one who does what Ed wanted to do when he grew up. He did not borrow the path himself, so James is the golden child in his eyes, "continued the actor.

Nathan adds that although his character may be shy, he may in certain circumstances show a different side of his personality.

When the Baileys arrive at Weatherfield later this year, Nathan has not yet communicated with his family, but the actor believes that this level of secrecy is normal, even for "a very close family".

Emmerdale producer, Iain Macleod, at the British Soap Awards in 2016

Jeff Spicer / StringerGetty Images

Producer Iain MacLeod added: "They love and resist durably.

"I'm not saying that everyone in the family will find it very easy and slap it from the start, but we want this family to be a person who tightens and loves," he said. .

Coronation Street is broadcast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:30 pm and at 8:30 pm on ITV.

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