National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month


March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer in the United States. Since my older brother died of colon cancer at the age of 50, I believe it is important not only to recognize the authors of colorectal cancer, but also to talk about ways to prevent it. .

First of all, if you are over 45 (this number was once 50, in many cases, like my brother's, 50 would have been too late),

Get the screening!

This may involve a simple stool sample test or a colonoscopy, which consists of a visual examination of the rectum and colon. Yes, it's true, everyone hates being subjected to these tests or procedures. They are embarrbading and uncomfortable. But not as much as they hate to have cancer, which is much more painful, its treatments are much more uncomfortable, so do it.

Stop smoking

I know what you're going to say. And I know it because I come from a family of smokers. Guess what? My father died of lung cancer. My brother died of colon cancer. My mother just survived her second bad cancer bout. All were smokers. Coincidence? I do not think so.

Think of it in terms of things you want to do. My brother was waiting to be there to walk his two daughters into the lane one day, and this choice was taken away from him. My father wanted to be here to meet the rest of his grandchildren and this joy was denied. There is no guarantee in life, but we know that smoking increases your risk of cancer. So, in regards to your own life: Do you want to attend your child's first dance? Stop smoking. Are you thinking of going on a hike to retirement? Stop smoking. Need to be there to take care of your spouse when you are older? TO LEAVE.

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As I said, I come from a family of smokers and I know it's not that easy. Say it's simple, but the effects of nicotine withdrawal are real. But this can be done. There are programs to help you, your doctor can help you, and since your cancer risk is considerably higher if you smoke, your future self will thank you for it.


No, I do not mean to pack up and move to a new neighborhood. I mean, get up and move. Sedentary lifestyles are a huge risk factor for colorectal cancer, so give yourself a better chance of not having one by moving more. Stroll for lunch. Exercise twice a week. Join a yoga clbad. No matter what to move your body and your bowels.

Eat chicken

Well, and vegetables and fruits. Basically, reduce your red meat because a diet rich in red meat increases your risk.

Spread the word

One of the easiest ways to reduce the 100,000 deaths a year caused by colorectal cancer is to spread the word about screening. The earlier the disease is detected, the more likely we are to defeat it. Colorectal cancers contracted before leaving the colon have a relative survival rate of 90% over 5 years. The problem is that only 1 in 3 is taken at the beginning. So let's get the word out, raise awareness and save lives.

Main image of Chinnapong on Shutterstock

Edited by the author

Image credit: PyoublicDomainPIctures on Pixabay

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