Navro Pio attacks the Parliament; A speaker confronts him to join the revolution in the education of girls


Navro Pio

Pe Asagepari II, supreme chief of the traditional Navrongo region in the Upper East region, received invaluable advice from the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Aaron Mike Ocquaye, during a courtesy visit to the House on Thursday.

The president advised the chief to be careful not to say that without development leadership, it means nothing and must therefore ensure to his reign technical developments that his staff can identify and can profit.

He urged the chief to take education seriously, especially for the girls, because the time of guns is over and now concerns the power of the book, noting that the power of ICTs and the computer has become the most important area of ​​education.

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"Let your kids go to school and let us always hear that they are doing very well. Let's join the revolution of raising the little girl. Boys are not smarter than girls and boys are not better at education.

"These are things we like to hear from advocacy leaders so that when we grow, we leave no one behind."

"It depends on your abilities and your character, wherever you come, man or woman, we will make you climb because you are good and we can count on you for very good performances."

President Mike Ocquaye said Parliament, and Ghana as a whole, would like to hear Pe Asagepari II is a supreme leader who takes education seriously in his traditional field.

He noted that the free education policy was catching up and that more girls were attending school while school feeding was also working and urged the chef to take a keen interest in these programs.

The President reminded Pe Asagepari II that his position as head of the large Navrongo district was accompanied by many responsibilities, hence the need to follow the wise counsel of his elders.

He stressed that as guardian of the customary practice and culture of the people of Navrongo, Ghana would like to hear about peace and stability and that the people are proud of their supreme leader because he has maintained his customs as it should be.

The spokesman for the delegation, Pe Dri Pwakweah Atudiwe Manchi II, Division Chief of Manyoro, informed President Mike Ocquaye that they were in Parliament to express their gratitude for the support received by the Navro Pio at the funeral of his father and at his coronation. Supreme chief.

The Navro Pio, he said, is eagerly awaiting government support for developing the Navrongo Traditional Area and the Navrongo Development Studies University (UDS) Campus. to become an independent higher education institution.

Born Dennis Aneakwoa Belinia Adda, a fire officer, Pe Asagepari II, worked for 18 years in the fire department of Parliament before becoming the new supreme chief of the Navrongo Traditional Zone in August 2018.

He succeeded Augustine Atudeku Belinia Adda, who died on September 13, 2015.

Navro Pio's delegation included Upper East Regional Minister Paulina Patience Abayage; Head of Bavugnnia, Adatuga Parebagia Pe Abayage Abanokware II; The head of Doba, Naaba Ahadesira; Navro Pio's private secretary, Felix Kondyire; and Alhbadan Fatawu, clerk of the traditional Navrongo area and many others.

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