NDC deputies vomit 27 000 GH ¢ each? | Policy


According to an unconfirmed report available online for DGN Online, each parliamentary candidate at the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2020 elections will have a sum of 27,000 GH ¢.

In fact, privileged information collected by DGN Online in the NDC camp suggests that each aspiring candidate would pay 2000 GH ¢ for the application form fee and 25 000 GH ¢ for the filing fee.

NDC deputies sitting in parliament who choose to recontester would also throw up the amount.

The 27,000 GH ¢ represents a significant increase in the amount billed by the party for the 2016 elections.

It will be remembered that the NDC has accused its parliamentary aspirants of 10,000 GH ¢ and proposed to its presidential candidates to pay 50,000 GH ¢ for the 2016 elections, which it lost catastrophically.

In 2019, the NDC accused its presidential aspirants of 320,000 GH ¢ each.

NDC Secretary General Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, shouting not long ago that the NDC is bankrupt, it is not surprising that the party is raising taxes on all fronts.

According to DGN Online, the 27,000 GH ¢ were defined at the meeting of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the CND on Saturday, April 6, 2019.

This portal is informed that NEC has communicated to the Functional Executive Committee of the Party (FEC)
the mandate to set dates for the holding of the parliamentary primaries after all necessary consultations have taken place.

The FEC should set the dates at any time, but should not go beyond August 2019, an insider told DGN Online.

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