NDC elects regional leaders for new regions May 25


Asiedu Nketiah is Secretary General of the NDC.

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The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) announced that on 25 May 2019 it will elect regional leaders for the six newly created regions.

According to a communique of the party, the candidatures will be opened for the posts of 11 to 13 of April.

"All regional leaders in the mother regions will remain in their posts unless the individual decides to move to a newly created region," the statement said.

"The guidelines for the conduct of elections will be announced in detail before the opening of nominations on Wednesday, April 11, 2019," he added.

Read the full statement below

NDC elects leaders for newly created regions

At a meeting held in Accra on Friday, April 5, 2019, the CND National Executive Committee (NEC) approved the guidelines governing the selection of regional managers in regions affected by the creation of new regions.

The following decisions apply in all regions concerned:

i) All regional managers in the parent regions must remain in their posts, unless the individual decides otherwise to move to a newly created region.

ii) When the management decides to relocate to newly created regions, they must resign by Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in writing to the Secretary General, with a copy to the Regional President of the region. origin.

(iii) Resigning officers will hold similar posts in the newly created regions, as indicated in the resignation letter. These leaders must not submit to elections unless they decide to compete for another vacant portfolio.

iv) All other vacancies that may be created as a result of the movements must be filled through party-led elections.

v) In the meantime, Regional Leaders from the regions of origin will badume responsibility for overseeing newly created regions until new officials are sworn in after the elections.

The following schedule will apply for the holding of regional elections in the four (4) parent regions and the six (6) newly created regions to fill the vacant posts.

• Opening of nominations – Thursday. April 11-13, 2019

• Submission of applications – Mon. 22-23 April 2019

• Verification – Wed 24-25 April 2019

• Calls – from Friday 26th to 29th April 2019

• Final Notice of Poll – May 2, 2019

• Elections – Saturday, May 25, 2019

The guidelines for the conduct of the elections must be announced in detail before the opening of nominations on Wednesday, April 11, 2019.


L & # 39; Hon. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah

Secretary General – NDC

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