NDC official calls on police to send them back to their families ▷ YEN.COM.GH


The National Democratic National Congress Organizer, Joshua Hamidu Akamba, called on police officials to return the three missing Takoradi girls to their parents.

According to a report from Peacefmonline.com, he said the police had to suspend the press conferences that she organizes and get to work.

"What I do know is that the police will only hold a press conference when it has been successful." he said in an interview with NEAT FM's morning show "Ghana Montie".

A man sitting in a studio

Joshua Akamba, national organizer of the NDC
Source: Pulse.com.gh
Source: UGC

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He added that the families of the missing girls were suffering greatly and wanted to meet with them.

In his view, press conferences are a means of diverting attention from the fundamental problems related to the issue.

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His comment comes after the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service (GPS) publicly announced that he had identified the location of the three girls abducted and that he would bring them back soon. at home.

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