NDC places hold parliamentary primaries in 37 constituencies


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The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has held parliamentary primaries in 37 constituencies in nine regions of the country.

Party Secretary-General Johnson Asiedu Nketia said the guidelines had been issued in accordance with the decision of the National Executive Committee (NEC) to gradually carry out the parliamentary primaries.


The declaration therefore indicated that electoral processes in all ridings of the country would proceed as previously announced, except in the constituencies affected.

The statement urged regional executive committees, constituency executive committees and all potential candidates in affected areas to take note of and comply with them.

The affected areas are the Northeast, North, West, Central, Volta, East, Ashanti, Bono and Ahafo regions.

Affected Districts

In the same order, the constituencies affected in these areas are Chereponi (Northeast), Kpandai, Bimbilla (North), Evaluate Gwira, Takoradi, Amenfi East, Tarkwa Nsuem Kwesimintim and Esikado Ketan (West), Efutu, Awutu Senya East, Upper Denkyira West and Ejumako Enyan Essiam (Center) and Hohoe (Volta).


Others are Asuogyaman, Yilo Krobo, Manya Upper, Manya Lower, Ayensuano, Suhum, North Fanteakwa, Nsawam Adoagyiri, Akim Upper West, Asamase North, New Edubiasis, Asawase, New Edubiasis, New Abirem and Abuakwa North (Eastern), Ahafo Ano North, Ejura Sekyere Odumase, Asante Akyem North and Offinso North (Ashanti), Jaman North, Wenchi and Berekum West (Bono) and Tano South (Ahafo).

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