NDC propagandists should shut up … NPP mends damage – Bono director's fires Communicaions | Characteristics


Constantly, unfortunately and shamefully, the propagandists of the National Democratic Congress, which their former Deputy Secretary General (NDC) called politicasters, lie to the brave people of Ghana about the achievements of the administration led by HE Nana Addo Danquah, to say that nothing has been done by the government.

On several occasions, they have challenged the government to show them or tell them what they have accomplished over the past two years. We decided not to honor their call because "they have eyes but can not see". But, let's think about it a bit, we thought it wise to answer that question, because our silence would simply suggest that we did not do anything. It is on this basis that the BNP communication team from the Bono region decided to publish this press release to describe the achievements of the government of H. E. Nana Addo, Danquah Akuffo-Addo.

Our country was in crisis from 2009 to early 2017 and this crisis was created and sustained by the NDC government led by Mahama. The economic situation was worsening day by day with the unprecedented system DUMSOR. Ghana was suffering so much in her country and wanted to find an alternative that would restore hope and improve their living conditions. They brought the NPP government to power and, in fact, we restored hope and improved the living conditions of Ghanaians. Until the NPP government restores hope, the future of the youth was bleak and gloomy until the end.

• The ordinary Ghanaian who struggles to feed his family and send his child to school is not sure that having made this sacrifice to pay his bills, his child will even have a job at the end of his studies.

• The young man and the young woman who, without their fault, were forced to leave school and did not find a way out of the difficulties of life.

• The young man and the young woman never had the opportunity to go to school because of the financial situation of their home.

• Young people who have worked hard at university or at a higher education institution could still find a job after leaving university.

Achievement of promises / achievements
In our quest to restore hope, we made promises in our 2016 manifesto to the good people of Ghana. Our promises would have seemed like very ambitious promises. Although it still seems ambitious for the CND, the government led by Nana Addo has demonstrated a strong commitment to keeping its promises. Here are some of the "ambitious" promises made in our 2016 manifesto in which the opposition (NDC) thought it was neither sustainable nor achievable:

• The party has promised FREE SHS as contained in the 2016 Nuclear Power Plants Manifesto and this has been achieved. As a result, the parent of a Day SHS student saves GH ¢ 1,05.41 per year, while the parent of a Boarding SHS member saves GHG 2,015.22 per year. A parent of a student TVET student saves GH1,175.41 per year, while a parent of a TVET student saves GH2,115.22 per year. As a result, GH ¢ 5554.43 represents the average savings realized by a parent company of SHS Boarding over a period of 3 years. It should be noted that the government absorbed all 353,053 credits approved by the Ghana Education Service Council for first-year students.

• Regarding the Special Development Initiative, such as One Village One Dam and 1 million 1 constituencies, one million US dollars allocated to each of the 270 constituencies were released for investments in local infrastructure. As a result, the following infrastructure construction for Poverty Eradication Program (IPEP) projects is in various stages of completion: 1,000 community toilets with 10-seater closets, 1 000 solar powered water distribution systems and 570 dams completed and used by farmers in the 5 northern regions.

• On the railways, the existing 56 km narrow gauge line from Tarkwa to the Nsuta corridor, and the 70.8 km sections of the eastern railway line connecting Accra to Nsawam and Accra to Tema, are undergoing mbadive rehabilitation.

• As part of the Nation Builders Corps initiative, a total of 100,000 unemployed graduates have been recruited to meet the service delivery needs in the areas of health, education, health, and social services. agriculture, technology and governance. They are also recruited to lead the mobilization and revenue collection.

• With regard to reinstatement of benefits, the Akufo-Addo-led government reinstated training allowances to cover 54,840 trainees from 77 public health training institutions. The government has also approved the recruitment of 15,667 health workers. The government has promised to reinstate the allowance for trainee teacher. This allocation has been reinstated to cover 49,000 trainee teachers from 41 public colleges of higher education.

• As part of the tax reduction, NPP has promised to remove taxes that have been clbadified as nuisance and have been met. Among the abolished taxes, one can quote the VAT / NHIL of 17% on the tariffs of the national airlines, the rights to the importation removed on certain spare parts, the VAT / NHIL of 5% on the real estate sales, the Deleted taxes imposed on Kayayos by local authorities and many others.

• In the banking sector, the Bank of Ghana, in accordance with Law 930, is charged with promoting the security, soundness and stability of the financial system and protecting the interests of depositors. The Mahama-led administration oversaw the collapse of the banking sector and, according to the examination of the quality of bank badets conducted by the Bank of Ghana in 2015 and 2016, identified some indigenous banks as vulnerable with inadequate capital, high nonproductive loans and poor corporate governance. In order to ensure the health of the banking sector and protect the interests of depositors, BOG, with the support of the government, as required by law, has consolidated the bankrupt banks, hence the Consolidated Bank Limited. . The government also issued bonds worth GH ¢ 5.76 billion to cover the gap between the liabilities and the good badets badumed by the consolidated bank. It was not long ago that BOG was right to close more than 100 microfinance companies whose continued operation would lead to another scam called "DKM". A total of 9.9 billion GH ¢ has already been invested in the restructuring of the banking sector.

• Under the Infrastructure for Poverty Eradication Program (IPEP), a total of 90 local businesses in distress have been selected for recovery plans.

• The "Plant for Food and Employment" initiative marked a milestone across the country. A total of 80,000 bags of cereal and legume seeds, 36,000 bags of vegetable seeds and about 2 million bags of fertilizer were distributed. The government has recruited 850 agricultural extension agents. There is also a new important link between buyers and farmers, which aims to avoid the situation of absence syndrome of buyer (s). To ensure equity and equity, 34,000 farmers have been registered electronically. In addition, 577,000 farmers received fertilizer and subsidized seed. Five warehouses in Yendi, Tamale, Wenchi, Sunyani and Kumasi have been rehabilitated.

• In the energy sector, the NDC government inherited an economy devoid of DUMSOR in 2009. The mismanagement of this sector has plunged the country into total darkness for five years. Regardless of DUMSOR, electricity tariffs were so high and astronomical increases, which caused serious hardships for the population. In opposition, we promised to reduce or reduce taxes on electricity and tariffs on water and electricity. We connected 289 communities to the national grid as part of the rural electrification program. We provided 52,191 portable solar lanterns to poor rural households not connected to the grid. We also distributed 17,000 bottles, ovens and accessories as part of the LPG program in rural areas. Last but not least, there is no DUMSOR and the government spends billions of Ghanaian cedis to conserve lighting by buying crude where it should.

• As part of the Young Entrepreneur initiative, young men and women who work in the manufacturing, agriculture, ICT, agribusiness, food production, and other sectors of the economy. energy, waste treatment and many others benefit from a tax holiday. After the tax holiday, an income tax rate of 20% is applicable to young entrepreneurs, which will allow them to obtain credit from banks.

• As part of the formalization of the economy, the national digital addressing system has been launched and digital addresses are now created.

• As part of the "One District, One Factory" initiative, the Government, as part of its bilateral relations with the People's Republic of China, has been able to raise $ 2 billion in funding to support the project. It should be noted that the amounts committed to this project are unprecedented. 332 companies have been identified for financial support. 55 companies are operational. And 10 operational factories have already employed 500 people or more.

• School feeding program, the program has grown from 1.6 million to 2.1 million children. That's 25% increase in the number of beneficiaries.

• In Fight Against Corruption, we promised on page 39 of our 2016 Manifesto to create the Special Office. This promise has been fulfilled. We now have the Special Prosecutor who has recently put the files in order, ready to be sued by his office.

• In order to ensure transparency and accountability, the Right to Information Bill has been adopted. The RTI has been promulgated and provides for the implementation of the constitutional right to information. The draft law was drafted for the first time in 1999, revised in 2003, 2005 and 2007, but was presented to Parliament in 2010 as part of the NDC. The bill was finally pbaded under the direction of H.E Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo. The bill almost suffered a further setback by the minority in Parliament when the leader of the minority asked for new amendments. He invoked Article 130 for the amendments to be made. But for the disagreement of the majority of the majority, the RTI will remain a bill but not an act of Parliament.

• Freedom of the press: the Akufo-Addo-led administration keeps our reputable and distinguished journalists in high esteem. Journalists are free to express their views on the air, on paper and / or on social media under this waiver. Our current Minister of Information is the accommodating, accessible, tolerant, mature and easy-going person for whom journalists will attest to this fact. Anti-government news outlets always receive slots or invitations to attend public meetings or meetings or interactions with the media. This does not look like what happened to bands like Oman FM, Ash FM, Free Press and the Statesman News Paper.

The president, human rights defender and lawyer in most Ghanaian laws, Law Reports, has defended a journalist in a court of contempt or defamation for publication. As Attorney General, six months after the NPP took power in 2001, the Criminal Defamation Act was repealed. However, freedom goes hand in hand with responsibility and this point of view was clearly defended by the Supreme Court in the Republic case against Tommy Thompson (# 2) [1996-97] SCGLR 484. In this case, Acquah JSC stated inter alia that "the 1992 Constitution does not allow anyone to unlawfully, negligently or intentionally publish a defamatory case concerning an individual …" Sophia Akuffo JSC (as she then was) also stated that I see no reason to conclude that sections 112 (2) and 117 (1) (h) are unconstitutional. They may restrict the freedom of the media to intentionally publish defamatory material, but they do not take away the right of publication. In Ghana, media professionals can publish what they want. However, they may not be irresponsible in their publication and must take due account of the reputation and legitimate interests of others. "

With this decision, we would like to urge the media to carry out their duties without fear or threat.
but in doing so, they must show restraint and respect towards others.

With these achievements and more, the ordinary Ghanaian will finally be the right judge on December 7, 2020. We are very confident that the good people of Ghana who have tasted "sweet and bitter" will give us the second mandate to govern this country and the lead. to the promised land.

God bless Ghana
God bless the President
God bless the nuclear power plant.

SIGNED: Asare Bediako Seth (ABS)

Regional Communication Officer Bono

Contact: 0244 823448/020 2112277

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