NDC requests nuclear power plant to provide evidence on inflated project cost claims


At a press conference Tuesday, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) asked the NPP to provide evidence that the cost of projects initiated under the Mahama government was inflated.

Sammy Gyenfi, National Communications Manager, said: "Today, they are in government, they have the state apparatus at their disposal. They have all the security and investigation organs at their disposal.

"Where is the evidence that the Ridge Hospital project has been inflated? Where is the proof that President Mahama spent $ 10 million printing presidential diaries? Where is the evidence that the Kasoa interchange, Kumasi Airport projects have been inflated, "he questioned.

He added that if the "lies" of the government aim to keep Ghanaians in power in the 2020 elections, they calculate badly because "Ghanaians discern".

The NDC has declared that the record of former President Mahama, described as destructive by the NPP, occupies a preponderant place in the country's history and that Ghanaians will see through the deception of the government.

He thinks that in 2020, Ghanaians will vote for the John Mahama "redenominated", as described by the NPP, to the detriment of a "depreciated" and "discredited" Akufo-Addo.


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