NDC Want Short Commission Report Published


The NDC said that dragging things out to make the findings public "is a flagrant disregard for the principles of transparency and accountability that the president has vowed to uphold."

They noted that, while boycotting the work of the Short Commission, they felt that "the question of Ayawaso West Wuogon was of great interest at the national and international levels and that the people of Ghana deserved to know the conclusions and recommendations. of the Commission ".

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The national communications officer of the parties, Sammy Gyamfi, who signed the statement, said that what makes their application imperative, is that until now, the perpetrators of the violence during the 39, by-election, captured live on video, remain free.

"What's even more troubling is that we still do not know the state of progress of the police investigation of the facts, despite the badurances given to the country", he added.


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