NDC warns aspiring parliamentarians against misleading campaigns


The National Democratic Congress (NDC) issued a statement in which it advises all candidates in the parliamentary election not to use the ruling party members to solicit support for their campaigns.

The party's secretary general, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, who signed the statement, said the leadership had learned that some NDC primary candidates had announced to the delegates that they were supporting the various party leaders.

These include the founder, the standard bearer, the national president, the secretary general and other important personalities of the party.

He warned that no other considerations would be taken into account during the verification process except in the guidelines drawn from the NLC and the 1992 Constitutions.

Below is the full text of the press release


The leadership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) learned that some of the people competing to be elected to the next parliamentary primaries as our parliamentary candidates in the 2020 general election, let the delegates know about the support or the chance to win. insurance with the support of the founder, flag bearer, national president, general secretary and other eminent party personalities.

Some of these aspirants go on to confirm this alleged support with photos that they took with some of the prominent and important members of our party.

With this advice, party leaders advise all parliament candidates to stop the practice.

We wish to reiterate that the verification process following the filing of the names of the respective candidates takes into account only the requirements of the directives arising from the constitution of the NLC and the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, and that no Another question will not be taken into account. be taken into account when deciding who qualifies as a candidate.

In addition, it is also important to inform party delegates to ignore these campaigns and to elect the people they trust to win enough votes to secure the seat in the elections. Not In The 2020.

Posted in Accra

July 10, 2019


Johnson Asiedu Nketiah.

General secretary

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