Nduom suing the finance minister, 3 others


Company News of Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Source: Myjoyonline.com


Ken Ofori Atta Minister of Finance 2 Minister of Finance Ken Ofori-Atta

The Ghana Growth Fund, a subsidiary of the Ndoum Group, sued the finance minister for debts that prevented him from paying investors' funds.

The Attorney General, the Minister of Roads and Roads and Agyakot Company Limited are included in the lawsuit.

The lawyers of Ghana Growth Fund Limited, who invest the money on behalf of Gold Coast Fund Management, require recovery of 4,416,719.37 ¢ corresponding to the total nominal value of the outstanding but unpaid interim payment certificates due by the fourth defendant, Agyakot Company.

This will allow Agyakot to pay the Fund's debts to it.

The lawsuit represents the first series of separate lawsuits that the Company will commence to secure the payment of government debt.

Judge Srem-Sai, the Fund's lawyer, told Joy Business that their clients were out of breath.

"We have exhausted all other avenues. It was never our first choice to go to court, but unfortunately, if all other approaches do not work, we have the right to go to court. At this point, we are very confident that this is the only option that will force the government and contractors to meet their obligations to us.

"Because of this government and contractors failure, our client is also struggling to honor its obligations to its depositors," said the lawyer.

Gold Coast Fund Management has made headlines for its inability to pay the invested capital of its clients and the accumulated interest.

You will find below a copy of the brief:

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