Need to pee in the night is a hidden sign of danger of something more serious


If you find that nature often calls in the middle of the night, it could be more serious than the last pint or even a weak bladder.

Scientists have discovered a link between the need for peeing frequently at night and high blood pressure.

Your risk of worsening of this disease increases by 40% when you go to the bathroom and the more you have to go often, the more likely you are to have high blood pressure.

The implications of this are serious.

This could be a sign of a serious health problem

If left untreated, high blood pressure – which affects one in four adults in the UK – can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

The findings come from a study conducted by Dr. Satoshi Konno in Japan's Tohoku Rosai Hospital in Japan, according to The Sun.

Dr. Konno warned that the underlying reason could be high salt intake. Japan, compared to Western countries, traditionally incorporates a lot of salt into the dishes.

One in four adults has a strong

Professor Barbara Casadei of Oxford University, President of CES, said: "More than a billion people suffer from high blood pressure around the world. the leading cause of premature death in the world, with nearly 10 million deaths in 2015. "

"The ESC guidelines recommend taking medications to reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease." A healthy lifestyle is also advisable, including salt restriction, moderation of Alcohol, a healthy diet, regular exercise, weight control, and smoking cessation. "

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