Neo-Nazi cell crushed by French police


French police have dismantled a neo-Nazi cell that allegedly planned attacks on Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques, judicial sources said Tuesday.

"The investigation suggested that they were developing an ill-defined plot to carry out an attack, likely to target a place of worship," according to the judicial source.

Five members of a presumed neo-Nazi group were charged between September and May for a conspiracy, but the source gave no specific objective or motive.

The first man arrested for guns in Grenoble, southeastern France, in September, led police to four other suspects of a presumed neo-Nazi group, including two minors.

The source has not indicated specific goals or motivations.

Counterterrorism agents took over the case in 2019 and charged the five perpetrators with terrorist offenses. Among their alleged crimes are participation in a terrorist plot and the manufacture and transport of explosive devices.

France is the target of a number of terrorist attacks since January 7, 2015, the date on which the Charlie Hebdo mbadacre killed 12 in Paris.

In June 2018, the counterterrorism task force arrested 13 people linked to the Task Forces Task Force (Action Forces Forces), a small right-wing organization, which was reportedly preparing to attack Muslim targets, according to trackingterrorism. org website that tracks terrorist activities.

French President Emmanuel Macron has been the subject of two plots of attack or murder, police said. In July 2017, a 23-year-old man was arrested for his plot to badbadinate Macron during the July 14 military parade.

The suspect told the police that he wanted to kill the president as well as "Muslims, Jews, blacks and homobaduals".

Six people were also arrested last November for alleged conspiracy against Macron.

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