Netflix will cut Bird Box images several months after the outcry


New York – Netflix will remove from its post-apocalyptic survival film a film about a real railway disaster Bird box months after the streaming giant was criticized for exploiting a tragedy.

The short film comes from an accident in 2013 in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, when a train carrying crude oil derailed and exploded into a huge fireball, killing 47 people.

Netflix licensed the sequences of the image provider Pond 5 and used them Bird box in a news montage on television at the beginning. The thriller directed by Sandra Bullock speaks of monstrous entities that force every human being who sees them to quickly try to commit suicide.

Pond 5 in January said the film "had been taken out of context" and had apologized. But Netflix said at the time that he was not planning to cut the clip, but was looking for ways to do things differently.

Nexflix has changed its mind and announced Friday that it would replace the film with a release of a former American television series. The company said it "regretted the suffering inflicted on the community of Lac-Megantic".

The Mayor of Lac-Mégantic, Julie Morin, criticized the use of these images, calling them "disrespect". She and the Minister of Culture and Communication of Quebec, Nathalie Roy, applauded Netflix's latest initiative. "This result shows that by being united and uniting our efforts, everything is possible," twitted Roy.

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