Never is true I was arrested


MP for Tarkwa – Nsuaem, George Mireku Duker published a trash publication that has taken over more and more. He was arrested and tried in court for breaking the rules of the road.

The legislator would have gone against the Highway Code on Spintex Road last Monday during a police-led exercise and an Accra-based station, Citi fm.

Reacting to the allegation, Mr. Mireku Duker described it as malicious, driven without truth and which must be ignored.

He admitted that he had made contact with one of the serving police members to help him get out of traffic because he had to hold an important meeting in Parliament.

"I am a legislator who understands the laws on the road so I can not do anything wrong." I had to ask the help of a police officer who was with the team after having been in the long run for over an hour. "

"After all, the traffic situation was worse, it was impossible to pick up speed, I was not driving more than 10 km / hour," said Bryt FM Nyarko Abronoma, MP, Wednesday afternoon.

However, he condemned this publication, which has generated many opinions among the public, which is not good for his personality.

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