New Avengers: end-of-game characters posters reveal who died


A month before Avengers: Endgame – the last chapter of the Infinity saga of Marvel Cinematic Universe – arrives in theaters, a series of new posters of characters from the film have been released. The images present a plethora of characters, alive and dead, as well as the slogan "Venger those who have fallen".

The posters were shared on the social media pages badociated with the distribution and various MCU films, with the simple "1 month" message. And for the sake of simplicity, if you're not caught off guard by the MCU, those who died in Infinity War are displayed in black and white, while the pictures of the living are in color. Although we know if just about every character featured on the poster survives Thanos's snap (Josh Brolin), the posters confirm that T's sister Challi, Shuri (Letitia Wright) , is among those who have lost their dust.

Although these posters clearly do not reveal the conclusion of Avengers: Endgame, it is easy to badume that we will see the characters featured in the posters in one way or another during the film. What makes it all the more exciting is the poster of a character we did not even know to play a role in Endgame. Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), who had already been seen in Thor: Ragnarok, gets her own poster. Although she was not seen during the Thanos attack on the early Asgardian ship of Avengers: Infinity War, her fate has never been revealed. If this poster is to believe, however, it seems that fans have not seen the last of it.

Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26th. After taking a look at all the character posters, be sure to check out our latest theories about the movie, as well as all the deep dives we've experienced so far.

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