New FDA brands; unveils its new logo


General News on Wednesday, April 17, 2019



New FDA logo  The CEO of the Authority wanted the new logo to contain at least everything the FDA represents

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has changed its name with the introduction of a new logo, key visuals and branding guidelines in order to update its brand image so that it can be used. it is more present vis-à-vis its stakeholders.

The logo consists of two yellow and blue arches that form a circle around the acronym "FDA", which is also spelled in its entirety in the form of an arc above the circle.

Nested arches symbolize the FDA's willingness to engage with stakeholders. The complete circular shape of the arches represents the 360 ​​checks required by the authority to ensure the well-being of the consumer.

In the circle, "Ghana" is under the FDA's A to specify the geographical location of the mark.

The new slogan of the Authority is emphatic and convincing. He figures boldly under the lower arch which is part of the logo.

With its bold brand colors, the new logo exudes a sense of authenticity and warmth, the color palette fully representing its corporate identity.

"We viewed our 20 years as last year as a great opportunity to renew our commitment and make a new, more responsive, proactive, dynamic, and consumer-friendly FDA the center of our new brand identity." , said the CEO of the Delese Authority Mimi Darko said Tuesday at the unveiling ceremony of the new FDA.

According to her, the current FDA logo has an old appearance and they wanted the new logo to convey at least everything the FDA represents (not just food and medicine – capsules and plates).

The brand change, she said, will position the FDA as a dynamic brand that is evolving, evolving over time, and relevant in a changing business environment, and that will also reflect the repositioned FDA position of to be a social brand in its own right. A human-centered and quality-oriented institution.

"In the end, we want to establish a social connection with Ghanaians; we want to give the brand a new look and new perspectives, and we want to make the brand relevant in an ever-changing market environment.

"Brand change means redefining the FDA for improved and effective regulation to ensure transparency, fairness and prioritization of the well-being of Ghanaian citizens."

"When the FDA logo appears on a product, users must be badured that the product is of good quality and safe, and when the FDA logo appears on a badge, people need to know to be badured that the holder can trust an excellent service. in a timely manner, "she said.

Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman-Manu has instructed the Authority to revisit advertisements on herbal medicines: "It is disturbing to note that almost all radio and television stations broadcast herbal advertisements. I wonder if these ads have been approved by the FDA for claims that are made in these ads. Remember that advertisements are very influential and have the potential to affect listeners positively or negatively. As a result, misleading advertising can have serious repercussions. "

He again asked the Authority to ensure effective post-marketing surveillance to ensure that the regulated products placed on the market are safe, effective and of good quality despite the porous borders that we have in this country.

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