New Kent Manston Airport Owners Expected to Relaunch Flights by 2022 – Business Traveler


Travelers based in the East Kent area could see returning pbadenger flights from the Manston Airport in the coming years, as a result of the sale of the facility to Riveroak Strategic Partners Ltd.

The last airport operated a KLM service to and from Amsterdam, but was closed in 2014.

According to a report by the BBC, the new owners are aiming for the return of short-haul and cargo flights from the airport by 2022.

Commenting on the news George Yerrall, one of the directors of RSP, said:

"The process was long with [previous owners] SHP and we felt that the time had come for the parties to come together to negotiate a settlement of property issues.

"We are now looking forward to focusing on obtaining consent for development and moving quickly towards the reopening of Manston with all the economic and other benefits that we believe will bring it to Thanet and East Kent."

The airport was the subject of plans to build 2,500 homes on the site, but these were rejected by the Thanet District Council.

Last year, heavy vehicle fleet tests were carried out at the airport as part of emergency plans in the event of post Brexit congestion in cross – Channel ports.

The airport also served as a double for a North Korean air base in the 2001 James Bond film Die another day.

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