New study reveals five facts about vaccine allergies


There is little chance that you are really allergic to vaccines and, if you are, your allergist can give it to you.

A vaccination on 760 000 will respond by anaphylaxis. For all other side effects, any problem can be solved.

Five facts about vaccine allergies brought together by two doctors from McMaster University were published today in the press. Journal of the Canadian Medical Association (CMAJ). Derek Chu is a Clinical Immunology and Allergy Researcher in the Department of Medicine and Zainab Abdurrahman is an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics.

The five things to know about vaccine allergies are:

  • Immunoglobulin E (IgE) -induced vaccine allergies are extremely rare.
    The response to a vaccine containing hives, swelling, wheezing or anaphylaxis occurs in approximately 760,000 vaccinations. It will begin a few minutes after vaccination, probably will not start after 60 minutes and very little after four hours.
  • Signs such as fever, local pain or local swelling are not signs of allergy.
    These vaccine responses can occur up to seven to 21 days after vaccination, but they do not constitute an allergic reaction.
  • With the exception of the yellow fever vaccine, an egg allergy is not a reason to avoid vaccines.
    No special precautions are necessary when people with egg allergy are infected with influenza, the MMR vaccine (combined mumps, measles and rubella vaccines) or rabies vaccination because the amount of egg protein It may contain too little, according to the agency of Canada and the Canadian Pediatric Society.
  • It may be a reaction to the rubber stopper.
    If you have an allergy to latex, it will be the rubber stopper or preloaded syringe, not the vaccine that is causing the problem.
  • Your allergist can vaccinate you safely.
    If you really have an allergy to the vaccine, allergists can help you get immunized through techniques such as graduated administration, or by administering the vaccine little by little.

Posted in: Medical Research News | News about diseases and infections

Tags: Allergy, Anaphylaxis, Fever, Urticaria, Immunoglobulin, Immunology, Influenza, Measles, Medicine, Mumps, Pain, Pediatrics, Protein, Public Health, Q Fever, Rubella, Vaccine, Yellow Fever

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