New study reveals that exercise in this way can increase your cognitive abilities


Running will not help you lose weight; the weights go. This idea has become extremely popular in recent years. However, a new study presented at the 2019 ECNP conference in Copenhagen showed that if you want to maintain (or increase) your cognitive abilities, you'd better continue with this bloody treadmill.

It's no secret that exercise can help you clear your mind and improve your mood, but it has never been conclusively linked to building your intellectual capacity. This could now change after a group of German scientists discovered that staying physically fit was also badociated with better brain structure and function in young adults.

The research team believes his findings suggest that improving your fitness could improve your working memory and improve your problem-solving skills. Posted in Nature research Journal, the scientists decided to build on existing literature that – until now – focused on the effects of exercise on mood and behavior, not on brain structure and mental functioning.

To do this, the researchers used a publicly available database of 1,206 MRI scans from the Human Connectome Project, a volunteer program under which people contributed to the MRI of a database. data for purposes of scientific research. 30 years.

To counterbalance the variables that previous studies did not take into account, researchers tested MRI volunteers for their physical form, memory, reasoning, sharpness and judgment.

"The big strength of this job is the size of the database. Normally, when you work with an MRI, a sample of 30 is quite good, but the existence of this large database on MRI has allowed us to eliminate potentially misleading factors and has significantly strengthened the badysis, " said Dr. Jonathan Repple, Team Leader, University Hospital. Münster, Germany.

The first significant finding was that the researchers found that young, healthy adults, able to travel the furthest distances in less than two minutes, achieved the highest scores on cognitive performance tests. Adding to this, the more fit participants also exhibited better structural integrity of the white substance (a substance that helps improve the speed and quality of interconnected brain nerves).

"We are surprised to find that even in a young population, cognitive performance declines as fitness levels drop," said Dr. Repple. "We knew how important it could be for a population of seniors who are not necessarily healthy, but it's surprising to see this happen in 30-year-olds."

"This leads us to believe that a basic level of fitness seems to be an avoidable risk factor for brain health."

As reported by Study finds"In the future, the research team wants to continue studying the effects of good fitness on brain function. Specifically, they would like to examine changes in the structure and performance of the brain in those who are unfit but who are better trained. "

Or, as Dr. Repple says, "This type of study raises an important issue. We find that healthier people have better brain health. We must therefore ask ourselves whether making people fit will improve their cerebral health. Discovering this is our next step. Some tests go in that direction, but if we could prove it using such a large database, that would be very important. "

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