New study reveals that staying slim is also a question of DNA


Let's face it. Whether we recognize it or not, our societies are under pressure to stay in shape, and in particular to stay slim. And often, some judgment is put on those who do not reach this ambitious goal.

And although society has noticed an increase in body positivity, many of us are haunted by weight issues. Now, one study suggested that we might have less control than we thought we had on our body weights.

Genetically predisposed

In the largest study of its kind to date, Cambridge researchers have explored trends in weight gain. What they found was that thin people were genetically predisposed to being much thinner than those who were at the obese end of the spectrum.

"This study shows for the first time that healthy thin people are generally skinny because they have fewer genes that increase the risks of an overweight person and not because they are morally." superior, as some people suggest "Senior Professor Sadaf Farooqi at the Institute of Metabolic Sciences Wellcome-MRC, University of Cambridge.

So it may be time to stop blaming things like the tendency to have a high calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Because although these things may have contributed to the rise of obesity in recent years, many people eat what they like and stay lean.

The Farooqi team compared the DNA of some 14,000 the people and what they have discovered is what our genes provide to the code of the functioning and changes of our body. The team discovered several common genetic variants already identified as playing a role in obesity but, more importantly, she discovered new genetic regions related to serious obesity and thinness.

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