New study suggests MDMA users have greater empathy – News


A new study conducted by the Research Center on Psychopharmacology and Addiction (PARC) found that MDMA users had more emotional empathy than other drug addicts who primarily used substances such as cocaine, cannabis and ketamine.

Over the past two years, scientists have made many breakthroughs that have shown us the potential utility of MDMA for treating mental health issues such as PTSD and alcoholism. Between giving drugs to octopus to examine the origins of social behavior and testing its ability to help people overcome treachery and build trust, the potential health benefits of this illegal drug are becoming more and more important. obvious.

This latest set of drug trials aims to investigate "the long-term impact of using MDMA for recreational purposes on these fundamental social processes".

The study involved 67 addicts: 25 of them took MDMA once a month, 19 other drugs and 23 people who consume only alcohol. By measuring the emotional and cognitive empathy of each participant through a self-badessment test and a computer-based badessment, the researchers found that MDMA users were getting better results. to those polychimanes who did not use them.

These findings contradict earlier suspicions that moderate and long-term use of MDMA may cause increased social distress – a finding that is highly relevant to considerations of its therapeutic goals. This means that people suffering from various mental health disorders can use the medication in a moderate way for treatment for long periods without negatively affecting their feelings of social anxiety.

It is important to note, however, that there is still no evidence that MDMA increases the emotional and cognitive empathy of people over time. It is quite possible that the people who participated in this study are attracted to MDMA because they are naturally more empathetic and wish to research the sociable effects of the drug. To properly test the long-term effects of MDMA and how it increases empathy over time, a new study should test its subjects before they start using the drug on a regular basis during an extended period.

Discover the complete study here

Discover how MDMA came to the UK in 1988 here

Cameron is the junior publisher of Mixmag. Follow him on Twitter right here

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