Next steps for May Mobility automatic shuttles – TechCrunch


May mobility may be operating low speed shuttles in three cities in the United States, but its founders do not see this as a new startup in the race to deploy autonomous vehicle technology.

They describe the Ann Arbor-based company as a transportation service provider. As May Mobility's co-founder and COO, Alisyn Malek, told TechCrunch, they work in the field of moving people. Autonomous vehicle technology is just the "awesome feature" that helps them do it.

TechCrunch recently spent the day with May Mobility in Detroit, where it was launched for the first time, to take a closer look at its operations, determine its future direction and find out why companies in the industry are starting to shrink as ambitious as before.

Malek will explain which markets are most attractive for May Mobility at the TC Sessions: Mobility stage on July 10 in San Jose. Malek will join Lia Theodosiou-Pisanelli, partner product and program manager at Aurora, to talk about the smartest product for autonomous vehicle technology.

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