Nigerians protest and demand Buhari’s resignation


There were protests in the Nigerian capital Abuja with protesters carrying signs written #BuhariMustGo.

The protests coincided with the anniversary of the country’s Independence Day.

Police dispersed the demonstrators by firing tear gas canisters.

It is not known if anyone has been arrested.

Human rights activist Omoyele Sowore had called on Nigerians to demonstrate across the country on Independence Day. He shared a video of the Abuja protests:

President Muhammadu Buhari in his Independence Day speech downplayed the enormity of the security concerns in the country and the overwhelming value of Nigeria’s local currency, the naira.

Ignoring the kidnapping of more than 1,000 schoolchildren in the northwest, President Buhari said the Nigerian security services had made huge strides and were winning.

On Twitter, although some people post celebratory messages, many criticize the government for using the hashtag # NigeriaAt61:

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