Nigerians urged to go beyond prayers and activate self-defense rights


Amid the acute security and economic challenges in Nigeria, Christian stakeholders have expressed their hope for a greater Nigeria, urging Christians to go beyond prayers for the country of their dreams and explore their rights to it. self-defense to fight against insecurity in the country.

Stakeholders, including security experts, spoke at the inauguration of the Africa Kingdom Business Forum Institute (AKBF-I) by the Africa Kingdom Business Forum (AKBF) in Abuja this weekend.

The former head of defense research and development of the Nigerian army and the former commander of Operation Safe Haven of the Special Intervention Force (STF) in Plateau State, General of division Henry Ayoola (rtd) in his opening speech at the inauguration of Africa The institute recommended “the approach of all citizens” to end the insecurity and other challenges plaguing the country .

The President Continental Africa Kingdom Business Forum (AKBF), Ing. Steve Olumuyina as well as the chairman of the occasion, Barr. Emeka Nwankpa for her part noted that the prayers were not enough to face the miracles of the challenges of the country.

It’s even like the public speaker at the inauguration, Dr Sam Amadi, who is a visiting professor at the Emerald Energy Institute at the University of Port Harcourt, and former head of the Department of International Law and Case-Law at the Baze University, Abuja reiterated the need to redefine the process by which leaders emerge in the country.

According to Major General Henry Ayoola, Nigerians should learn to defend themselves, adding that the country is in the process of finalizing to achieve a new Nigeria.

Speaking to reporters on security issues in the country on Saturday, Major General Ayoola said: “Yes, the security challenges! Well, one thing to say right off the bat is that our problems, not just security, in layman’s terms, are self-inflicted problems.

“We live as if no one is really interested in solving the problems because it’s not for lack of something to do. It is not for lack of what to do, of advice, of ideas or of strategies.

“It seems to be the El Dorado that some people know for Nigeria. This is the golden age, so we should let it go on.

“That’s what I see. I don’t see any palpable attempt to solve a problem. Like I said, one can easily conclude that this is a self-inflicted problem.

“Not only because I know the genesis of these problems from having been an actor myself, but I think the Nigerians themselves are too shy, too docile for us to allow anything.

“We take anything and everything. When are we going to be excited enough to lift ourselves up and solve our problems on our own?

“I don’t know. What else do we want? Until half of us are dead or what?

“For me, self-defense, as I said, is a divine right, it is a universal right – Article 51 of the UN Charter speaks of the inherent right of the individual and of the legitimate collective defense. So if someone threatens my life, I don’t have to wait until they kill me before responding.

“There is preventive defense, which is part of self-defense. So the ball is really in our court. Even the government is overwhelmed. So it went beyond them. It should be an approach of all citizens when everyone is ready to put an end to this nonsense that we are going through, ”said Major General Henry Ayoola.

Former Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) Chairman Dr Sam Amadi noted that “Leadership presupposes a common vision. It means that people have a vision of where they are going; they have a common understanding of Nigeria’s problems.

“Unfortunately, we never had a common vision and a common understanding of our problem.

“Even before colonialism our people were a disparate people, different people and the colonial authorities brought us together and never cared about our well-being. They have brought us together for their own good.

“When they left, our leaders were trapped in ethnic competition and this also led to the reason why they did not build a common consensus.

“Today in America they talk about the American dream because different immigrants came together and had a certain degree of what America means to them. This is the number one leadership problem in Nigeria.

“The second is: how do you recruit leaders? How do your leaders present themselves?

“They don’t have to be first class people, but they are leaders, people who have gone through a process. If you look at countries all over the world: China, America, Britain, or any place in the world, you see leaders rise through a process that gives them a common vision of their country. and some have some experience with problem solving. .

“In today’s Nigerian democracy, leadership can emerge from anywhere. A mechanic who does his job can become a Senator this year because the Governor likes him. So the tide changes and people come out of nowhere. This is another problem.

“The third problem is the leadership task, what should leaders do? So leaders diagnose the problem, they pay attention to it. Why is there unemployment? By paying attention, they find solutions.

“The fourth became the implementation of this solution. If it is leadership that seeks ethnicity, you will not be well implemented as some of the solutions may require you to disrupt some dominance if you take action.

“For example, when we were building the electricity sector, we knew that the best thing for us was to bring the electricity to the Niger Delta where we have all the gas. But because we are a country plagued by geographic competition, they cannot take it south-south.

“We have to take some to the north-central area and so on. But these have no more glass. We have to spend a lot of money to transport the gas to these places.

“It’s a simple story that tells you that there is a dysfunction in leadership because leaders don’t solve problems based on the means to solve them. They solve problems in a way that aligns with their own strategic ethnic geopolitical needs.

“So the Nigerian crisis is a leadership crisis. But we have to start with a vision – what we want to be as a people, understand our issues – where are we in history? Where are we now? Why are we trapped?

“This is why we are talking about restructuring; people don’t want to hear about restructuring. It’s not about changing geography or changing who gets what money. It’s about changing the underlying factors that create the problems we want to tackle.

“So if you don’t want to fix these underlying structural issues and keep preaching ‘we’re going to be a great nation’ that we preached before you became president, the current president is doing his best. Later, another person will come and start preaching.

“They blame the Nigerian people, these young people are not working hard, the Nigerian people are divided. That’s what they answer because we don’t have leaders who have some knowledge of the problem and the process of solving those problems and who are willing to execute.

“Like I said today, you need the humility to say you don’t know and look for answers to ‘why is this happening? Why is the economy like this?

“Look at Nigeria, a country that spends 89% of its income servicing its debts, without paying them and you keep borrowing. You spend 40% of your income on the search for oil where you know you may not find oil at a time when you know oil is a wasteful asset. The future is to invest in people to create wealth.

“So how can such self-deception lead to leadership growth? How can it lead to the prosperity of the country?

“We are trapped because we leaders who are not even leaders because they have neither the priestly profile of humility and compassion, nor the royal profile of effective execution. They don’t know the problem, they don’t care about the people and they can’t even implement the solutions well, ”Dr Amadi said.

Moving forward with what the Africa Kingdom Business Institute is doing, Dr Sam Amadi expressed optimism that their strategic principles will change the direction of leadership in the country.

According to him, the birth of the institute “is a good intervention and that is what I have been saying for years.

“They’re going now, bringing people together to show them why things aren’t working and should they be role models that can work and build in them the understanding, knowledge and ethics of leadership.

“So we’re not talking about governors. We are talking about leaders in government departments, parastatals, agencies, the private sector, youth platforms, etc.

“Leadership is diverse. What they are doing now is the right way; it is about solving a problem by identifying the problem and providing tailor-made solutions that address that problem.

“And that’s what this platform does and it’s long overdue and the people behind it are people who have gained experience over the years trying to solve problems. So we have hope that he will be successful, ”said Dr Amadi.

James Ezema is a digital marketing executive, human rights activist, veteran journalist and political scientist.

He can be reached on +2348035823617 (WhatsApp / Calls / SMS).

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