Night birds may have a higher risk of breast cancer, according to a study. But changing sleep habits will probably not change anything.


Sleep characteristics may be a risk factor for bad cancer, according to new research. Women who have indicated that they prefer to get up early from the bed have a lower risk of bad cancer than those who go to bed late.

Breast cancer was the cause of one in 100 women who considered themselves as morning people, compared to two out of 100 women who described themselves as evening people.

Researchers used information from more than 400,000 women from two large data banks – about 180,000 women in the British Biobank study and more than 220,000 women in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium study. Participants' preference for waking up sooner or later was included in the data.

"It is important to note that these data in no way indicate that changing sleep patterns could eventually lead to a decrease in the risk of bad cancer," said Luca Magnani, a research fellow at the Department of Surgery and Surgery. Cancer of Imperial College London. says the Science Media Center.

"What they suggest is that it seems that the risk of bad cancer is badociated with a genetic trait (therefore non-modifiable) badociated in itself with a preference of" morning "or" night "- this which we call "larks" and "owls". & # 39 ;. "

Read the full original message: Study finds morning people less likely to get bad cancer

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