NIU prepares to bring its high-tech electric scooters to the US as stock prices soar


NIU's electric scooters have proven themselves in the Chinese and European markets. According to the company's CEO, Americans should finally have the chance to experience the popular scooters this year.

NIU has already begun preparations to bring its popular electric scooters to the United States.

The company's electric scooters are in the process of being homologated in the United States, a long and complicated process.

As Benjamin Avery, NIU's Marketing and Communications Manager, told Electrek, "Our US import process is progressing, but slowly."

The company has nevertheless confirmed its intention to enter the US market this year.

According to NIU CEO, Li Yan:

"We sell in 27 countries against 17 countries in the same period last year. In 2019, we plan to enter new international markets such as the United States. "

The stock price of the company has also exploded recently. NIU filed its IPO on the NASDAQ at the end of 2018. In the last week alone, the company's share price has risen 27%.

The majority of NIU's revenue comes from domestic sales. As international expansion continues, the company has experienced impressive growth. Their latest financial report showed sales growth of almost 100% year-on-year.

Electric scooters updated by NIU

NIU M and N series scooters have already been very popular in Europe since their debut last year. However, after introducing a new update of the two lines, the NIU is enjoying increasing success across the EU.

The NIU M + model includes a Bosch engine designed for a maximum power of 1.8 kW and a top speed of 45 km / h. It is powered by a removable high capacity battery of 2 kWh offering a maximum range of 100 km.

The NGT model represents the company's higher power and speed offer. It sports a Bosch engine of 3 kW and a top speed of 70 km / h.

The scooter is powered by a pair of 2.1 kWh batteries for a total power of 4.2 kWh. According to NIU, NGT batteries should last up to 170 km on a single charge.

Both scooters offer a number of advanced features, including impressive color touch screens, built-in GPS, auto-off indicators, smartphone connectivity, 3-axis motion detection, and theft protection, among others. functions.

The NGT also includes a combination braking system to provide safer braking at high speeds.

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Electrek's Take

I'm a big supporter of NIU and I'm waiting to finally start selling in the United States. I've even already filed a deposit on a NGT NIU in order to be one of the first to get their hands on a US state. Now, after the recent success of the company, I tell myself that I still have not bought any NIU stock

I know that the phrase "The Tesla of _____" is such a cliche now, but I really think it's the best way to describe NIU. They are basically the Tesla of electric scooters. They build high-tech, attractive scooters that are more expensive than the competition but offer more features, power and range than most other electric scooters.

Electric scooters are starting to gain popularity in the United States even though they do not have a lot of local options. Personally, I've been driving a GenZe 2.0f electric scooter for 6 months and can not say enough. The scooter allowed me to completely abandon a car and scour the city entirely by electric scooter.

In the United States, GenZe represents a significant share of the electric scooter market, but other small businesses such as Flux Mopeds are also competing for a piece of the pie. When NIU finally enters the US market, it will be interesting to see how other major players will react to competition.

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