NMSQ 2019: Augusco fights against GSTS, Ketasco qualifies for final


General News of Monday, July 8, 2019

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


GSTS Nmsq Pp play the videoGSTS competitors in the competition

It's getting hotter as the 2019 National Science and Mathematics Quiz (NMSQ) approaches its peak.

The nine schools in the semi-final had to fight to prove their titles in the final.

The Presbyterian High School for Boys (PRESEC) kicked out Adisadel Boys College (ADISCO) and Opoku Ware High School (OWASS) while defending St. Peters Senior High Champions (PERSCO); Wesley Girls High (WeyGeyHey) and Tepa Senior High will be the winners of the finals.

Two boys and a mixed competition for a place in the last round of the NMSQ 2019. The Ghanaian Technical High School and St. Augustines College (AUGUSCO) meet the Keta Higher Technical High School (KETASCO) in this last batch of semi-finals.

The winners of this round will compete for the defending champions. Persco and Presec for the big trophy. Will it be a boys affair or will Ketasco kick out the boys to win the place?

Watch a livestream of the competition here

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