NMSQ: Our hard work paid off – Augusco's Savior, "Newton"


General News of Thursday, July 11, 2019

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


St Augusco Nsmq play the videoCandidates of St. Augustine College

Call him the "savior" of the day and you will not be very far from accurate.

Newton Jimmy Stephen was not the only candidate representing his school; St. Augustines College participated in the 2019 National Science and Mathematics Quiz (NMSQ), but it definitely left an imprint with its "magic" during the riddle and true / false steps of the competition in the last two rounds of the competition.

His remarkable skills led him to follow the trends on most social media platforms, especially after the quarterfinals after correctly answering all the questions he had been asked during the last two rounds of the competition. .

Newton did not disappoint either during the grand final, he asked his team to win the new trophy and the title for the second time.

Expressing gratitude to God for Augusco 's success in the competition, he said: "We are very pleased to be winners today … We are very pleased that our hard work has borne fruit and may God Almighty have not abandoned us. "

Nathaniel Mensah, who was a tough competition for Newton in the riddle and the tricks true / false, said: "To some extent, we are disappointed, but it's good. We will very well prepare and come back next year. Do not expect anything other than the best of 2020 NSMQ, "he said.

Although they failed to secure the title for the sixth time, they made life difficult for Augustines and fought well.

Their defeat, according to them, is only the proof that they will come back stronger at the next competition and will win the trophy of the defending champions; Augusco.

After a staggering performance from the preliminary stages to the final, it's clear that Augusco was quite ready to win the enviable trophy.

St Augustine's College defeated its competitors St Peter's SHS (Persco) and Presbyterian Boys' School (Presec) with 39 points.

Presec had 34 points while Persco had 25 points in the final competition.

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