Northern Region NADMO sensitizes two communities on safety during floods


The North Regional Directorate of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) sensitized residents of two flood-prone communities in Kumbungu District and Savelugu Municipality on measures to be taken to ensure their safety during the seasons. rains.

Residents of Nawuni in Kumbungu and Sugu-Tampia in Savelugu Municipality benefited from a two-day sensitization workshop held during separate engagements in the region.

With the financial support of the STAR GHANA Foundation, the event aimed to build the capacity of residents on risk reduction strategies, while strengthening their resilience in the face of the impact of a flood.

It was part of a roadmap developed by the STAR GHANA Foundation to provide a long-term, holistic and multisectoral approach to flood management in the northern part of the country.

Alhaji Abdallah Abdul-Mumin, North Regional Director of NADMO, said awareness raising was part of the planned measures put in place to help reduce the impact of disasters, especially flooding, in the region.

He urged participants to pay attention to the weather forecast from the Ghana Meteorological Agency and periodically check for updates on changes in weather conditions to help inform their daily movements.

He said that in the event of a downpour, they could move to identified shelters such as schools, churches and community centers, among others to protect their lives.

“When you move to a safe haven, make sure you have a well-thought-out travel plan to avoid any further damage or event that will harm you,” he advised.

Alhaji Abdul-Mumin further advised residents to avoid walking in flood waters and not to take property when evacuating a flooded area to safer places.

He stressed the need for residents to make sure they keep their surroundings clean to prevent litter from entering waterways and causing flooding.

Some residents praised NADMO for education and pledged to make sure they follow all guidelines given to them to reduce flooding in communities.

However, they appealed to NADMO to ensure that sustainable measures are taken to facilitate their evacuation from their current communities to other flood-free areas to help maintain their livelihoods.

Mr. Alhassan Yussif, Assembly member for the Nawuni electoral zone, said that “our main concern is that we are transferred to another community that does not have this problem that we face every time it rains. a lot, and we call on NADMO to heed our advocacy as they have promised.

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