Nothing will happen to Nyantakyi; he seems to be well connected politically – Asiedu Nketia


General News of Sunday, March 31, 2019



Asiedu Nketiah on the IPC Johnson Asiedu Nketia, Secretary General of the NDC

The Secretary General of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) announced that he would sign the petition of Anas to speed up the process of prosecution of the former President of the Ghana Football Federation (GFA).

Anas Aremeyaw Anas, a clandestine journalist, has launched an online petition to pressure Attorney General Gloria Akufo to pursue Kwesi Nyantakyi.

Anas and his team, Tiger P. I, are surprised several months after the premiere of Presentation # 12, no appropriate action has been taken to prosecute Mr. Nyantakyi.

Even before a final verdict is reached on the issue, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, known as General Mosquito, is already predicting that "nothing will happen" for Mr. Nyantakyi.

He thinks the process will last and that eventually the former GFA chairman will be left behind.

"Nothing will happen to Kwesi Nyantakyi. . . nothing will happen and I hope that you can prove to me that I am wrong. Looking at what has been shown in the video, it gives the impression that Kwesi Nyantakyi is a very politically connected person, "he said.

Asiedu Nketia, who was attending a roundtable on the Joy Newsfile program, added, "The challenge of fighting corruption has always been to deal with someone who is connected to a government in power. The real challenge is the political courage to deal with yours. . . nothing will happen to this young man. . . it creates the impression that he is well connected. Even as a pursuit, this thing will delay and so on. . . I support Anas' petition and from there, I will sign it. . . but I hope that one can deceive me. I want them to prove me the opposite. "

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