NPA reveals how $ 200 million of oil is recovered each year in Ghana


– National Petroleum Authority (NPA) Chief Executive Officer Hbadan Tampuli revealed that Ghana is losing more than $ 200 million a year in the oil sector.

– He also listed unapproved routes through which petroleum products are smuggled, resulting in lost revenue

– The CEO added that measures are being put in place to stop the practice

The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) revealed that Ghana loses about $ 200 million every year due to illicit activities in the oil sector.

According to NPA President and CEO Alhbadan Tampuli, the port of Takoradi, the main port of Tema, Prampram, Aflao and the east coast are unapproved offshore routes for the smuggling of petroleum products.

Speaking at the 2019 International Petroleum Conference in Ghana, Accra, Wednesday, July 10, 2019, he said that these activities also resulted in a loss of about $ 12 million. per annum of the Unified Fund for Oil Prices.

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According to a report published by, he added that unknowns in the oil sector were engaged in harmful activities, which ultimately made the country poorer.

Some of the products smuggled and siphoned into surface tanks were premixes, marine gas, and gasoline.

Tampuli revealed that poor quality products from neighboring countries are being smuggled through unapproved entry points between Ghana and Togo.

These products, he continued, eventually end up in private storage yards, mining companies and other retail outlets.

The CEO noted again that some people were dumping gas oil declared for sale to foreign vessels at local service stations, while others were under-reporting and not reporting. products raised in various depots.

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He noted, however, that the GNPC, in collaboration with the Ghana Revenue Authority, the Ghana Navy and the security agencies, had taken steps to tackle the problem head-on in order to save the nation from losses. .

In other news, armed police surrounded the Takoradi flour mill.

This comes after angry workers besieged the office of the Director General, Thierry Loupiac, and fired him from his office. understands that the workers entered his office and asked him to leave because they could not work under his hostile administration because he did not have the necessary managerial skills and was constantly abusing them.

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