NPP and NDC have agreed to dissolve self-defense groups-Council of the Peace


The National Peace Council said the two main political parties, the NPP and the NDC, had decided to disband political vigilante groups in the country.

This follows the president's request to the two main parties to meet and find solutions to political activism.

Professor S. K. B. Asante, chair of today's meeting (Tuesday), met with the Peace Council and the NPP today, reading a summary of the results of today's dialogue with the media:

"The National Peace Council met with key members of Ghana's two main political parties, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), in response to a call from the President of the Republic of Ghana. , Nana Addo Dankwa. Akufo-Addo in his speech on the state of the nation to eradicate political vigilance ".

"After open and exhaustive deliberation, the parties agreed that militancy was against Ghana's democratic system and that it needed to be eliminated.

"With regard to the immediate objective of mediation or dialogue, the CND believes that it should be the eradication of" political vigilance in all its ramifications ", while the NPP is d & # 39; 39 that the emphasis should be on the "vigilance of political parties in all its ramifications".

"It is significant, however, that both parties engage in deliberations to:

  1. to dissolve self-defense groups acting within political parties or for political ends
  2. prohibit the ownership, hiring or use of such groups by political parties or their members
  3. cooperate with state agencies and stakeholders for the total eradication of such groups or incidents of vigilance in the country

"It should be noted that both parties have also committed to exploring other processes in relation to the elimination of vigilance."

In an interview with Joy News, NPP National President Freddie Blay said the NPP was very committed and would ensure that militancy is eradicated.

& # 39; & # 39; We thank the panel members for facilitating and moderating this as the steps were friendly and objective. The signatures on the document show that we are fully engaged, I can speak on behalf of the NPP which is very committed and we will do everything in our power to ensure that there is no violence in our politics, nor intimidation in our politics. As for both parties, I think there is evidence of goodwill on both sides which, hopefully, will put an end to the vigilance system in the country. "

Samuel Ofosu Ampofo, national president of the NDC, said that the elimination of self-defense groups should not only be a targeted political party, but should also be extended to the national security group.

& # 39; & # 39; We think that activism goes beyond political parties because there are other self-defense groups outside the political parties whose work undermines our democratic process. We want an approach once and for all to the issue of political vigilance and not a meal of peace approach which, for us, will not solve the problem of the country.

& # 39; & # 39; We are talking about fighting vigilance beyond political parties because vigilantism is rooted in national security agencies and that is why we believe that we should not restrict it to political parties only, otherwise we would miss goal. There are other groups outside political parties whose activities hinder our process of political democracy, "he added.

Attractive Mustapha

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